The Best of Savannah

It's the 2024 Best of Savannah!


Welcome to the highly anticipated “2024 Best of Savannah” issue. As the publisher of this esteemed publication, it brings me great pleasure to present to you a comprehensive guide to the finest establishments and experiences that our beloved city has to offer based on the voters that voted on the best known and the hidden gems and longstanding favorites that define the essence of Savannah.

With their enthusiastic engagement and participation, they played a pivotal role in determining the winners across various categories, from dining and entertainment to shopping and beyond.

I extend my heartfelt congratulations to all of the deserving winners who have earned their place in this prestigious lineup. Your commitment to delivering exceptional quality and unparalleled service has not gone unnoticed, and you stand as shining beacons of excellence within our community.

I would also like to take this opportunity to express my deepest gratitude to the talented and hardworking staff Erica Baskin, Wendy Wickham, Erica Lang, Travis Jaudon, McKennah Sink, Logan Hinton, Bucky Bryant, Victoria Bunstine, and Wayne Franklin, who made this issue possible.

From our dedicated sales team, writers and editors to our meticulous designers and distribution and production team, each member has contributed their unique skills and dedication to bringing this publication to life. Your passion for storytelling and commitment to accuracy have elevated the “2024 Best of Savannah” issue to new heights, and I am immensely proud of the collaborative effort that has gone into its creation.

Also, a sincere thanks and appreciation to Charles H. Morris and the team at Kehoe Iron Works at Trustees’ Garden for hosting the awards party again on Thursday, May 16, 2024.

If you have not done so, please get your tickets at

As I have said before, as we celebrate the remarkable achievements of our city’s finest establishments, let us also reflect on the vibrant tapestry of culture, creativity, and hospitality that makes Savannah truly special.

May this issue serve as a guide for residents and visitors alike to explore and experience the ‘BEST’ that our city has to offer, and may it inspire a continued pursuit of excellence in all endeavors.

Thank you to our readers for your continued support.

It is our privilege to share the stories of Savannah’s brightest stars, and we look forward to continuing this journey of discovery together.

Rufus Friday


Make sure to pick up your copy!

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